Triathlon Tracking Training Progress

Performance Metrics Pace is the fundamental measure of an athlete’s speed over a certain distance. Keeping an eye on pace helps an athlete to observe their progress, indicating areas where they have improved and where there is room for improvement. If an athlete consistently lowers their minute-per-mile time during training runs, this indicates an upgrade […]

Traveling for Triathlons

Planning and Logistics Secure your travel dates as early as possible. This proactive measure allows for a more seamless integration of your training schedule with your travel plans. By establishing when you will be away, you can look ahead to schedule key workouts before you depart and minimize the impact on your training continuity. When […]

Cross-Training Activities That Complement Triathlon Training

Yoga Regular practice of yoga gently stretches the muscles and tendons, leading to a greater range of motion. For a triathlete, flexibility may translate to more efficient swim strokes, greater comfort and power while cycling, and an elongated running stride. All these slight improvements can cumulatively shave precious seconds or even minutes off your race […]

Perfecting Your T1 and T2

Transition Area Mastery Place everything you’ll need for the bike and run segments in the order you will use them. Position your bike so that it faces the exit, saving you from making unnecessary turns. Your helmet should be upside down on your handlebars with the straps out to the sides, and your sunglasses inside, […]

Overcoming Plateaus in Triathlon Training

It’s important to set realistic goals and be patient. Success in triathlon doesn’t happen overnight. Assess your initial objectives. Were they attainable? Are they still relevant to your current level of fitness? Adjusting your goals to be more realistic can reframe your mindset and reignite your motivation. Doing the same workouts day in and day […]

The First 48 Hours of Recovery After the Race

Within the first 30 minutes to an hour after finishing, aim to consume a snack or meal that includes carbohydrates and proteins. The carb helps replenish energy stores while the protein begins repairing the muscle wear and tear inflicted during the race. You’ve sweated out important salts and minerals, including sodium and potassium, which need […]

Strategies for Triathlon Swim Success

Perfecting the Art of Sighting Sighting too often can tire you out quickly while sighting too little can throw you off course. You need to strike a fine balance. A recommended sighting frequency is every 6-10 strokes. This way, you stay aware of your surroundings and can make minor adjustments to your direction as needed. […]

A Guide to Ironman Day Nutrition

Pre-Race Nutrition The purpose of this carbohydrate loading is to maximize the storage of glycogen—your body’s primary fuel source during prolonged exercise—within your muscles. You should focus on increasing your intake of carbohydrates several days before the event. Around 70-80% of your calories should come from carbohydrates during this period. Sources such as pasta, rice, […]

Adapting Your Ironman Training as You Age

Over time, athletes often see a decrease in maximum heart rate and cardiac output. The body’s ability to transport oxygen to working muscles diminishes, which may lead to longer times to complete training sessions or races. Adapting training to include cardiovascular exercises that boost heart health and function can help mitigate some of these changes. […]

Building a Multi-Year Ironman Training Plan

Long-term planning takes precedence in Ironman training due to the sheer volume and intensity of preparation needed. A meticulously crafted multi-year plan allows for the gradual building of endurance, strength, speed, and technique. It also takes into consideration your life outside of training: work, family, social commitments, and how to balance these with your rigorous […]