I.R.E.P Philosophy

I.R.E.P Athletics believes in providing custom cutting edge training programs based on scientific research. Each and every program is developed for the specific needs of the individual athlete. From first-time 5k’er or someone who might just want to lose weight up to professional level competitors maxing out their genetic potential.
I.R.E.P believes in a team centered approach. At I.R.E.P our speed, strength, and endurance coaches analyze the specific needs of the athletes’ sport and current ability level in order optimize each training session and each rep performed to maximize gains. At I.R.E.P Athletics we en-vision a program with the end goals in mind in order to make a program that will make you, The Athlete, Respond, Evolve and Perform to the best of your ability. Welcome to I.R.E.P Athletics.
“Making Every One Count”
“Never Taking One Off”
“Until The Clock Runs Out”
“Until I Can’t….
And Then I.R.E.P.. One More”
Looking for some solid training coaching? IREP is the place to find it!
Scott and Anthony helped me cut my half marathon time by 20 minutes in
one year while I worked two jobs and spent time with my family and
friends. They know how to maximize time and still get a great return.
You will sweat, hurt and meet your goals if you are willing to
participate, not spectate!!!!!" - Jim Hansel, Cincinnati OH